16 October, 2004


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"General: 10 reliable facts for a better world" : "/spreadtheword",
"9/11: 10 easily verified facts in major media" : "/9-11",
"Media: Leading journalists reveal cover-ups" : "/emailmedia",
"War: Top U.S. general exposes manipulations " : "/war",
"Health: Top MD on major health cover-up" : "/health",
"Energy: Key little-known facts on energy crisis" : "/emailenergy",
"Mind Control: Declassified CIA documents" : "/emailmk" };
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"Spread the Word +" : submenu_sug,
"What You Can Do" : "/youcanhelp" };
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var submenu_subtopics = { "-" : "/911information#911subtopics",
"100 prominent leaders call for investigation" : "/911statement",
"Revealing poll shows 40% suspect cover-up " : "/zogby911",
"Sibel Edmonds: FBI translator on 9/11 lies" : "/050303sibeledmonds911",
"Able Danger: 9/11 Commission deception" : "/abledanger911",
"Over 50 top officials publicly question 9/11" : "/officialsquestion911commissionreport" };
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"CNN questions 9/11 official story" : "/cnn9-11cover-up",
"Wall Street Journal on 9/11 deception" : "/051126abledangerlouisfreeh",
"New York Times on 9/11 truth movement" : "/060610newyorktimes9-11truth",
"Miami Herald: Scholars for 9/11 Truth" : "/060223scholarsfor911truth",
"Los Angeles Times on 9/11 cover-up" : "/911conspiracy",
"ABC: US military planned terrorism against US" : "/010501operationnorthwoods",
"Headlines & links to many excellent articles" : "/medianewsarticles#a911" };
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"9/11: Press for Truth: Most professional" : "/911video",
"Loose Change: Most popular 9/11 video" : "/060407bestdocumentary9-11",
"C-SPAN 9/11 video: Prof. David Ray Griffin" : "/050504davidraygriffin" };
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"10-page 9/11 summary" : "/9-11cover-up10pg",
"25-page 9/11 summary" : "/9-11timeline25pg",
"60-page 9/11 summary" : "/9-11timeline60pg" };
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"Best Free Videos +" : submenu_videos,
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"CBS: Pentagon trillions missing, no headlines" : "/corruptiongovernmentmilitary",
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"Headlines & links to many excellent articles" : "/medianewsarticles#massmedia" };
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"Pulitzer journalist: It's all about profits" : "/050314mediaprofits",
"New York Times covers up A-Bomb effects" : "/atomicbombcoverup",
"Media magnate keeps secrets from public" : "/secrecygraham",
"Key Iraq war information censored by media" : "/iraqwarsetup",
"Top Underreported stories of 2005" : "/060127newsstoriescensored",
"Top Underreported stories of 2004" : "/censored2004",
"Top Underreported stories of 2003" : "/censored2003" };
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"Ten pages: Major media cover-ups exposed" : "/massmedia" };
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var submenu_articles = { "-" : "/medianewsarticles#elections",
"Concise excerpts from many key media articles" : "/electionsnewsarticles?CategoryId=2",
"New York Times: Serious flaws in counting" : "/051221votingmachineshacked",
"LA Times: 10% failure rate on machines" : "/050806dieboldcoverup",
"Newsweek: Most serious voting flaws ever" : "/060527electionsvotesmanipulations",
"Headlines & links to best media articles" : "/medianewsarticles#elections" };
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"Who counts your vote? - Verifiable facts" : "/votingproblems",
"Brief history of computerized election fraud" : "/electionsfraud",
"Were two key candidates murdered?" : "/wellstonecarnahan",
"Manipulations involving Howard Dean in 2004" : "/howarddeansdemise" };
var submenu_sum = { "-" : "/electionscoverups",
"Two pages: Major media on elections problems" : "/electionscoverups",
"Ten pages: In-depth exploration of elections" : "/electionsmanipulations",
"Who counts your vote? - Verifiable facts (2pg)" : "/votingproblems" };
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"Concise Summaries +" : submenu_sum,
"Best Document" : "/electronicvoting",
"Major News Articles +" : submenu_articles,
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"CBS News: Major car engine breakthrough" : "/060303carenginebreakthrough",
"London Times 100 mpg car disappears" : "/carmileage",
"Amazing new energy technologies in media" : "/freeenergy#articles",
"CBS: Major energy scandals caught on tape" : "/050209energyscandals",
"Headlines & links to many excellent articles" : "/medianewsarticles#newenergy" };
var submenu_sum = { "-" : "/newenergysources",
"Two pages: New energy sources suppressed" : "/newenergysources",
"Ten pages: The World of Free Energy" : "/freeenergy" };
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"Concise Summaries +" : submenu_sum,
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"Major News Articles +" : submenu_articles,
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"Best Free Video" : "/060630newenergyvideodocumentary",
"What You Can Do" : "/emailenergy" };
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"New York Times: Cover-up by pharmaceuticals" : "/050602pharmaceuticalindustrycoverup",
"MSNBC reports on vaccine/autism link" : "/050705vaccineautismlink",
"BBC on beneficial natural cancer treatment" : "/chaparralforcancer",
"Headlines & links to many excellent articles" : "/medianewsarticles#health" };
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"Avian flu: Deception reported in major media" : "/avianflu",
"Vaccines: Media report major problems" : "/060215vaccinesmercurydangers",
"School Diet Change = Behavior Improvement" : "/050520schooldietchange",
"Dangers in your food: GMO risks to health" : "/deception10pg",
"Cancer Cure? What happened to this invention?" : "/cancercuresroyalrife" };
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"Aspartame cover-up exposed by MDs, officials" : "/resources#sweet",
"Corporations contaminating our food supply" : "/resources#future",
"Two funny, short health education videos" : "/healthinformation#funny" };
var submenu_sum = { "-" : "/healthcoverup",
"Two pages: Top MD exposes corruption" : "/healthcoverup",
"Ten pages: Top MD exposes corruption" : "/truthaboutdrugcompanies",
"Ten pages: Suppressed dangers in your food" : "/deception10pg" };
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"Major News Articles +" : submenu_articles,
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"Best Free Videos +" : submenu_videos,
"What You Can Do" : "/health",
"Key Subtopics +" : submenu_subtopics };
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var submenu_subtopics = { "-" : "/inspirational#inspirationalsubtopics",
"Transform fear through core issue work" : "/coreissue",
"Find and develop your life purpose, intentions" : "/lifepurposeintentions",
"Moment of Love: Every person has a heart" : "http://www.momentoflove.org",
"Web of Love: We are all interconnected" : "http://www.weboflove.org",
"End poverty: Social investing and microloans" : "/051023microcredit" };
var submenu_sum = { "-" : "/inspirational#inspirationalsummaries",
"Building a Brighter Future: 2-page summary" : "/brighterfuture",
"Simple Keys to a Fuller Life: 2-page summary" : "http://www.weboflove.org/keystolife2",
"Principles of Transformation: 2-page summary" : "/transformation",
"Shifting Paradigms: 2-page summary" : "/divinewisdomunderstanding" };
var submenu_stories = { "-" : "/medianewsarticles#inspiration",
"Strong dad gives all to his crippled son" : "/050917dadtrulycares",
"The Cab Ride I'll Never Forget" : "/060309cabride",
"Don't judge a book by its cover" : "/dontjudgeabook",
"Inspiring near-death experience" : "/neardeathexperience",
"Industry leaders find change of heart" : "/050720heartmath",
"Stevie reveals beauty of human nature" : "/steviedown",
"Academic mayor transforms Bogotá" : "/050305mockustransformsbogota",
"The Christmas Truce" : "/christmastruce",
"A little boy's last wish" : "/boyslastwish",
"Titles & links to many inspiring stories" : "/medianewsarticles#inspiration" };
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"Inspiring Stories +" : submenu_stories,
"Inspiring Article" : "/youweremadeforthis",
"Inspiring Summaries +" : submenu_sum,
"Inspiring Resources" : "/resources#inspiration",
"Best Free Videos" : "/051204inspiringvideos",
"Spread the Inspiration" : "/inspirational#inspirationalspread",
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"Washington Post: Government mind control" : "/060123psyops",
"London Times: Brainwash victims win lawsuit" : "/mkcourtcase",
"ABC News: Noise gun targets protestors" : "/noisegun",
"MSNBC: Electromagnetic beam weapons" : "/050812electromagneticbeamweapons",
"Washington Post: MKULTRA secret project": "/050626mkultra",
"Headlines & links to many excellent articles" : "/medianewsarticles#mindcontrol" };
var submenu_subtopics = { "-" : "/mindcontrolinformation#mindcontrolsubtopics",
"Human microchip implants in media reports" : "/microchipimplants",
"Psychic killers? New York Times book review" : "/050513menwhostareatgoatsjonronson",
"Information from a deep government insider" : "/pandorasbox",
"Human guinea pigs in government experiments" : "/humanguineapigs" };
var submenu_vid = { "-" : "/mindcontrolvideo",
"History Channel: Mind Control" : "/mindcontrolvideo",
"Discovery Chan.: Nationwide child abuse ring" : "/060501conspiracyofsilence" };
var submenu_sum = { "-" : "mindcontrol",
"Two pages: Released CIA documents" : "/mindcontrol",
"Ten pages: Mind control facts with footnotes" : "/mindcontrol10pg",
"Mind Controllers: Secret projects (10 pg)" : "/mindcontrollers10pg",
"Nation Betrayed: A survivor's story (10 pg)" : "/nationbetrayed10pg",
"Bluebird: MD involvement in programs (10 pg)" : "/bluebird10pg" };
var submenu_best = { "Information Center" : "/mindcontrolinformation",
"Concise Summaries +" : submenu_sum,
"Best Document" : "/mindcontrolinformation#mindcontroldocument",
"Major News Articles +" : submenu_articles,
"Top Resources" : "/resources#mindcontrol",
"Best Free Videos +" : submenu_vid,
"What You Can Do" : "/emailmk",
"Key Subtopics +" : submenu_subtopics };
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var submenu_articles = { "-" : "/medianewsarticles#war",
"ABC: Pentagon plans for terrorism exposed" : "/010501operationnorthwoods",
"BBC News: Military plans to control Internet" : "/060205usmilitarycontrolinternet",
"CBS: $2.3 trillion missing at Pentagon" : "/corruptiongovernmentmilitary",
"Antimatter weapons on SF Chronicle front page" : "/antimatterweapons",
"Tsunami Bomb Weapon in NZ's top newspaper" : "/050307tsunamibombweapon",
"Atomic Bomb Cover-up in New York Times" : "/atomicbombcoverup",
"Headlines & links to many excellent articles" : "/medianewsarticles#war" };
var submenu_videos = { "-" : "/powerofnightmares",
"BBC documentary exposes roots of terror" : "/powerofnightmares",
"The Secret Government: PBS documentary" : "/050423secretgovernment",
"Secrets of the CIA: Free Turner documentary" : "/051130ciasecrets" };
var submenu_sum = { "-" : "/warcoverup",
"Two pages: Top U.S. general on war cover-up" : "/warcoverup",
"Ten pages: War is a Racket by General Butler" : "/warisaracket" };
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"Concise Summaries +" : submenu_sum,
"Best Document" : "/050310pentagontrillionslost",
"Major News Articles +" : submenu_articles,
"What You Can Do" : "/war",
"Best Free Videos +" : submenu_videos };
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var submenu_subtopics = { "-" : "/coverupinformation#topics",
"White House insider reveals secrets" : "/050418fredburksinterpretingstories",
"New York Times: The Rich Get Richer" : "/050608richgetricher",
"CBS News: Sex crimes covered up by Vatican" : "/050415sexcrimescoverup",
"NY Times: CIA worked with Nazi criminals" : "/050203cianazilink",
"Government report: No financial accountability" : "/060411gaousgovernmentfinances",
"Human/Animal Hybrids in Washington Post" : "/humananimalhybrids",
"Review: Confessions of an Economic Hitman" : "/economichitman",
"Government involvement in drug trafficking" : "/militarysmuggledheroin",
"Erosion of civil liberties: Great documentary" : "/resources#unconstitutional" };
var submenu_ufo = { "-" : "/ufoinformation",
"UFO Information Center" : "/ufoinformation",
"Two-page summary of government witnesses" : "/ufocover-up",
"Ten-page summary: Links for verification" : "/ufocover-up10pg",
"Sci-Fi channel's amazing UFO documentary" : "/060602ufosvideosfootage",
"Former CIA director in NY Times on UFOs" : "/600228nytimes",
"Top resources on UFO cover-up" : "/resources#ufos",
"Major UFO news articles (with links)" : "/ufonewsfacts",
"What You Can Do" : "/ufo" };
var submenu_sum = { "-" : "/coverupinformation#summaries",
" 2 pages: Building a Brighter Future" : "/brighterfuture",
"20 pages: Blueprint for Total Control" : "/totalcontrol ",
"20 pages: Behind the scenes by gov. insider" : "/behindthescenes" };
var submenu_best = { "Information Center" : "coverupinformation",
"Concise Summaries +" : submenu_sum,
"Massive Corruption" : "/corruptiongovernmentmilitary",
"London Bombings" : "/050713londonbombingcoverup",
"Hurricane Cover-up" : "/hurricaneinformation",
"UFO Cover-up +" : submenu_ufo,
"Secret Societies" : "/051115secretsocietiesbilderberg",
"Conspiracy Theories" : "/conspiracytheories",
"More Key Topics +" : submenu_subtopics };
var menu = { "ot" : submenu_best };
Email This PageSpread the Word +
General: 10 reliable facts for a better world9/11: 10 easily verified facts in major mediaMedia: Leading journalists reveal cover-upsWar: Top U.S. general exposes manipulations Health: Top MD on major health cover-upEnergy: Key little-known facts on energy crisisMind Control: Declassified CIA documentsWhat You Can Do
Information CenterConcise Summaries +
2-page 9/11 summary: Verifiable media facts10-page 9/11 summary25-page 9/11 summary60-page 9/11 summaryBest DocumentMajor News Articles +
Washington Post on growing 9/11 movementTime magazine explores 9/11 conspiraciesCNN questions 9/11 official storyWall Street Journal on 9/11 deceptionNew York Times on 9/11 truth movementMiami Herald: Scholars for 9/11 TruthLos Angeles Times on 9/11 cover-upABC: US military planned terrorism against USHeadlines & links to many excellent articlesTop ResourcesBest Free Videos +
9/11: Press for Truth: Most professionalLoose Change: Most popular 9/11 videoC-SPAN 9/11 video: Prof. David Ray GriffinWhat You Can DoKey Subtopics +
100 prominent leaders call for investigationRevealing poll shows 40% suspect cover-up Sibel Edmonds: FBI translator on 9/11 liesAble Danger: 9/11 Commission deceptionOver 50 top officials publicly question 9/11
Information CenterConcise Summaries +
Two pages: Award-winning journalistsTen pages: Major media cover-ups exposedBest DocumentMajor News Articles +
CBS: Pentagon trillions missing, no headlinesRevealing Iraq war editorial disappearsAmazing new energy technologies, no headlinesHeadlines & links to many excellent articlesTop ResourcesWhat You Can DoKey Subtopics +
Pulitzer journalist: It's all about profitsNew York Times covers up A-Bomb effectsMedia magnate keeps secrets from publicKey Iraq war information censored by mediaTop Underreported stories of 2005Top Underreported stories of 2004Top Underreported stories of 2003
Information CenterConcise Summaries +
Two pages: Major media on elections problemsTen pages: In-depth exploration of electionsWho counts your vote? - Verifiable facts (2pg)Best DocumentMajor News Articles +
Concise excerpts from many key media articlesNew York Times: Serious flaws in countingLA Times: 10% failure rate on machinesNewsweek: Most serious voting flaws everHeadlines & links to best media articlesBest Free VideoWhat You Can DoKey Subtopics +
Who counts your vote? - Verifiable factsBrief history of computerized election fraudWere two key candidates murdered?Manipulations involving Howard Dean in 2004
Information CenterConcise Summaries +
Two pages: New energy sources suppressedTen pages: The World of Free EnergyBest DocumentMajor News Articles +
CBS News: Major car engine breakthroughLondon Times 100 mpg car disappearsAmazing new energy technologies in mediaCBS: Major energy scandals caught on tapeHeadlines & links to many excellent articlesTop ResourcesBest Free VideoWhat You Can Do
Information CenterConcise Summaries +
Two pages: Top MD exposes corruptionTen pages: Top MD exposes corruptionTen pages: Suppressed dangers in your foodBest DocumentMajor News Articles +
New York Times: Cover-up by pharmaceuticalsMSNBC reports on vaccine/autism linkBBC on beneficial natural cancer treatmentHeadlines & links to many excellent articlesTop ResourcesBest Free Videos +
Aspartame cover-up exposed by MDs, officialsCorporations contaminating our food supplyTwo funny, short health education videosWhat You Can DoKey Subtopics +
Avian flu: Deception reported in major mediaVaccines: Media report major problemsSchool Diet Change = Behavior ImprovementDangers in your food: GMO risks to healthCancer Cure? What happened to this invention?
Inspiration CenterInspiring Stories +
Strong dad gives all to his crippled sonThe Cab Ride I'll Never ForgetDon't judge a book by its coverInspiring near-death experienceIndustry leaders find change of heartStevie reveals beauty of human natureAcademic mayor transforms BogotáThe Christmas TruceA little boy's last wishTitles & links to many inspiring storiesInspiring ArticleInspiring Summaries +
Building a Brighter Future: 2-page summarySimple Keys to a Fuller Life: 2-page summaryPrinciples of Transformation: 2-page summaryShifting Paradigms: 2-page summaryInspiring ResourcesBest Free VideosSpread the InspirationKey Subtopics +
Transform fear through core issue workFind and develop your life purpose, intentionsMoment of Love: Every person has a heartWeb of Love: We are all interconnectedEnd poverty: Social investing and microloans
Information CenterConcise Summaries +
Two pages: Released CIA documentsTen pages: Mind control facts with footnotesMind Controllers: Secret projects (10 pg)Nation Betrayed: A survivor's story (10 pg)Bluebird: MD involvement in programs (10 pg)Best DocumentMajor News Articles +
Washington Post: Government mind controlLondon Times: Brainwash victims win lawsuitABC News: Noise gun targets protestorsMSNBC: Electromagnetic beam weaponsWashington Post: MKULTRA secret projectHeadlines & links to many excellent articlesTop ResourcesBest Free Videos +
History Channel: Mind ControlDiscovery Chan.: Nationwide child abuse ringWhat You Can DoKey Subtopics +
Human microchip implants in media reportsPsychic killers? New York Times book reviewInformation from a deep government insiderHuman guinea pigs in government experiments
Information CenterConcise Summaries +
Two pages: Top U.S. general on war cover-upTen pages: War is a Racket by General ButlerBest DocumentMajor News Articles +
ABC: Pentagon plans for terrorism exposedBBC News: Military plans to control InternetCBS: $2.3 trillion missing at PentagonAntimatter weapons on SF Chronicle front pageTsunami Bomb Weapon in NZ's top newspaperAtomic Bomb Cover-up in New York TimesHeadlines & links to many excellent articlesWhat You Can DoBest Free Videos +
BBC documentary exposes roots of terrorThe Secret Government: PBS documentarySecrets of the CIA: Free Turner documentary
Information CenterConcise Summaries +
2 pages: Building a Brighter Future20 pages: Blueprint for Total Control20 pages: Behind the scenes by gov. insiderMassive CorruptionLondon BombingsHurricane Cover-upUFO Cover-up +
UFO Information CenterTwo-page summary of government witnessesTen-page summary: Links for verificationSci-Fi channel's amazing UFO documentaryFormer CIA director in NY Times on UFOsTop resources on UFO cover-upMajor UFO news articles (with links)What You Can DoSecret SocietiesConspiracy TheoriesMore Key Topics +
White House insider reveals secretsNew York Times: The Rich Get RicherCBS News: Sex crimes covered up by VaticanNY Times: CIA worked with Nazi criminalsGovernment report: No financial accountabilityHuman/Animal Hybrids in Washington PostReview: Confessions of an Economic HitmanGovernment involvement in drug traffickingErosion of civil liberties: Great documentary
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Mind ControlWhat You Can Do
We now have the opportunity to powerfully work together for a better world by spreading the news on the mind control cover-ups far and wide. As we develop a critical mass of concerned citizens who demand to know the truth, the media will be forced to cover these issues more thoroughly. Then we will begin to see powerful, positive changes in the world.
We invite you to join in spreading this news in several ways. You can copy and paste the mind control cover-up message below to any Internet message boards or discussion groups in which you are involved. To contact your political representatives and the media, click here. To post to Wikipedia, click here. If you have a website, we invite you to set up a link to our concise summary at http://www.WantToKnow.info/mindcontrol. You can also print our two-page and ten-page mind control summaries directly from the website and share them widely.
Help spread the news on the mind control cover-up around the world by sending emails to your friends and colleagues and inviting them to pass the message on. You can copy and paste the message below to your email. Feel free to adapt or modify this message in any way. For other ways that you can help, click here. By taking advantage of the powerful tools of email and the Internet, we are creating a better world.

CIA Mind Control Documents – 18,000 Pages Declassified
The CIA has declassified over 18,000 pages of documents on extensive mind control programs carried out since the early 1950s. Through the Freedom of Information Act, you can order these documents in the form of three CDs directly from the US government for only $30. Below is a sample of just two of these documents and one scientific article taken from the excellent mind control summary on the informative website www.WantToKnow.info. By spreading this revealing information, we now have the opportunity to powerfully work together for a brighter future.
A declassified CIA document dated 7 Jan 1953 describes the experimental creation of multiple personality in two 19-year old girls: “These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep hypnotic state by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words, and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes.” (CIA Mori ID 190684, 1/7/53)
Another document dated 10 Feb 1954 describes an experiment on the creation of unsuspecting assassins: “Miss [whited out] was instructed (having previously expressed a fear of firearms) that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken miss [whited out] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep). Failing this, she would pick up a pistol and fire it at Miss [whited out]. She was instructed that her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to ‘kill’ [whited out]. Miss [whited out] carried out these suggestions including firing the (unloaded) gun at [whited out], and then proceeded to fall into a deep sleep. After proper suggestions were made, both were awakened. Miss [whited out] expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened.” (CIA Mori ID 190691, 2/10/54)
In a 1971 Science Digest article, Dr. G.H. Estabrooks states, “By the 1920’s clinical hypnotists learned to split certain individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During WWII, I worked this technique with a Marine lieutenant I’ll call Jones. I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a ‘normal’ working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, and was ‘imprinted’ to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was hypnotize him, get in touch with Jones B, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp.” (Science Digest, April 1971, pp. 44-50)
These are just three of the many disturbing experiments which reveal severe abuse of power on unsuspecting citizens for over 50 years now. To order these documents in the form of three CDs directly from the government, go to http://www.WantToKnow.info/mindcontrol10pg#ciadocs The 18,000 pages of documents released are only the tip of the iceberg. There are many thousands of pages that the CIA refuses to release. There are even more documents that were ordered destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms in 1973 when he was tipped off that there was going to be a Congressional investigation into the CIA’s mind control activities. For more on these and other eye-opening facts, see http://www.WantToKnow.info/mindcontrol for the two-page mind control summary. Or even better, go straight to the 10-page summary filled with verifiable information at http://www.WantToKnow.info/mindcontrol10pg For other reliable resources on mind control, visit our mind control information center To understand why these facts aren’t getting extensive media coverage, and for ideas on what we can do about it, go to http://www.WantToKnow.info If these facts were reported in headline news where they belong, caring citizens would be astounded and demand to know more. This has not happened, which is why we feel compelled to provide them here. The entire WantToKnow.info website is designed both to provide a concise, reliable introduction to incredibly important information that is being hidden from us, and to inspire us to work together for a better world. You can help to build a brighter future by educating yourself on these vital issues, and by forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues and asking them to do the same. As we spread this news across the land, public pressure will eventually force the media to cover these vital issues. Then we will begin to see many positive changes to prevent these kinds of abuses from ever happening again. Thank you for caring. Together we can and will build a better world for ourselves and our children.The WantToKnow.info team is a group of dedicated researchers from around the world who compile and summarize important, verifiable facts and information being hidden from the public. You can reach us by visiting http://www.WantToKnow.info/contactus.php.